Founder's Message
HVCS Formed with the Mission of Providing High Standard Advisory Services
Having spent nearly four decades working in different companies I always had the inner desire to do something myself. It is my fundamental belief that you realise your true potential only when you do it on your own, That means when you wear the shoes of an entrepreneur.
You may be wanting to do something close to your heart or something very creative for a long time, you may not have got the right opportunity when you are working for somebody else. So, this thought in me kindled the idea of starting an outfit on my own. Of course any such enterprise has to be Think big, but start small and thus was born HVCS.
I felt it’s an opportunity to realise all my latent potentialities and innate abilities when these are put into right channels and that way you can realise whatever dreams that you may have might have had during your working career.
Reflecting on my varied experience in my long career, I would like to touch upon some of the key learnings that have made a deep impact in me. I understood the value of empowerment and free thinking in my first job. I could learn non-financial facets of end -to -end value chain of a large textile operation during my 6 year stint in Indonesia. It broadened my thinking and I got the ability to get an take an overview & big picture of a business. Later back in India, I had the opportunity as a member of the senior management team in dealing with a deep crisis and then successfully turning around the company. In my last decade as a top management person, I learned how to align & meet the expectations of investors & promoters. With all these learnings I am in a position to understand what the clients are looking for from the consultants, what are the challenges and how to overcome them. This has largely motivated me to take up consulting and provide quality advisory and solutions to clients.
Also, it will give you immense satisfaction. To be an entrepreneur is able to engage with different stakeholders, different groups of people and different companies and so on. And I found the right kind of people to start the enterprise in the name & style HVCS -which stands for High Value Corporate Solutions. These four letters indicate the ultimate objective of this humble enterprise.
We want to carve a niche for ourselves in the Consulting space and be a very reliable partner, in progress for all our client. Having said so, I look forward to the next phase of growth of this company and be a preferred service provider in the Consulting space.
HVCS works on a collaborative style with professional experts in different domains come together to provide cost-effective and right-fit solutions to every client without any compromise on timeliness and quality of deliverables.
Of course we have a long way to go before we garner a name for ourselves as a well sought after Consulting Company. I close by quoting words from Robert Frost ‘The woods are lovely dark and deep. But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep and miles to go before I sleep’
At the same, we are enthused and motivated by the distilled wisdom of Thiruvalluvar who said- One can conquer even the entire world if right decision is taken at the right time and place.
ஞாலம் கருதினுங் கைகூடும்
காலம் கருதி இடத்தாற் செயின்
This will be our guiding principle not only for ourselves but also for our clients.

About HVCS
HVCS Corporate Solutions Private Limited has been set up with the objective of providing a wide range of Consulting & Advisory services, managed by multidisciplinary professionals of Cost Accountants, Chartered Accountants and Company Secretaries and has onboard a capable set of Advisers, Consultants and Associates backed up with rich experience. Our Customer base consists of MNCs, Private Companies and Listed Companies and Strive to provide cost-effective and workable solutions.
To provide our clients with real value in return for their confidence in choosing us as their consultancy firm. We accomplish this by forming one-on-one relationships with our clients, listening carefully to their specific needs, and bringing together our broad resources to address those needs.
Our Vision
- To deliver high quality businessadvisory solutions with a stake-holdercentric approach and foresight to takeon any futuristic challenges
- To be the preferred strategic partner toall organizations with a transformation-driven culture cutting across differentecosystems such as start-ups, MSMEs,MNCs and other large corporates.
- To create personalized & superiorexperiences across all touchpointsthereby building long-term customerrelationships.
- To become the work-place of choicewith an unwavering focus on fostering aculture of growth, ownership, trust,learning & thought leadership.
Our Mission
To be the preferred strategic partner providing end-to end advisory solutions tailored to address all stages in a value-chain with a futuristic approach paving way for a metamorphosis both qualitatively &quantitatively, cutting across varied organizational ecosystems, accelerating business excellence
Our Team
Our team comprises top notch professionals from varied facets of management such as Finance, strategy, operations HR and IT. Further, we deploy Professionals/Consultants as may be warranted in the area of engagement
Founder & DirectorP. K Sundaresan (PKS) comes with varied experience of over 4 decades in multi-spectrum Industries...
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Vinu Thomas
Co Founder & DirectorBeing the CFO in the Financial Industry is a tough task, thankfully he was here to man the helm...
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Haribabu Pothapu
Co Founder & DirectorShe is an accomplished business developer. Her skills at creating relationships with clients are...
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R Sathyanarayan
AdvisorHe has helped Business WordPress Theme reach new heights and enter new markets. His skills of understanding...
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AdvisorC.N.Chandrasekaran B.Tech( IITM ),PG CSA(NCSDCT) Advisor – IT and Business Strategy CNC is...
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Gopal Hari
AdvisorGopal Hari Advisor – HR & Mentoring Mr.G Hari is a robust domain expert in HR with a...
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K S Pasupathi
ConsultantK S Pasupathi Consultant – Labour Law & HR Advisory A versatile Industrial relation personnel...
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